quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2021


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 The inventor of the treadmill (rotina ginástica) 

died at the age of 54.

The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57.

The world bodybuilding champion  died at

 the age of 41.
The best footballer in the world, Maradona,

died at the age of 60 And then..

 KFC inventor dies at 94.

Investor of Nutella brand died at the age of 88.

Cigarette maker Winston  died at the age of 102

The inventor of opium died at the age of 116 in

 an earthquake️ Hennessy inventor dies at 98

 How did doctors come to the conclusion

 that exercise prolongs life?...
The rabbit is always jumping, but it lives

for only 2 years. The turtle that doesn’t

 exercise at all, lives  400 years. In face of

 these differents ages with differents behaviours

 or behaviors, you act your instincts.

 So, you have a drink, you take a nap when

 you wake up, you have bacon and eggs! with 

a good wine or beer. You can drink the best wines 

 in Vila Flor -Lodões, on the region "Vale da

 Vilariça". Where there are very much gold wines.

 Vaccination again the coronavirus

I have already vaccinated with pfizer too,

 there are two months ago. It´s needful 

to vaccinate all people as soon as possible.

for avoiding this bad virus, which is killing

many people on the world! It´s the virus 

more dangerous sin ever which entered

 on the earth planet .

 Quand maladie d´Alzheimer atteint une peronne


Un homme campagnard de mon petit village

De la région (zone) transmontana du Vale da

Vilariça, Vila Flor-Lodões est atteint avec  la

 mauvaise maladie d'Alzheimer.

 Un jour il demande à sa femme de l'épouser,

sans se souvenir qu'il est déjà son mari depuis

 50 ans!

Cette maladie d'Alzheimer est une maladie

dégénérative qui entraîne progressivement des

 troubles du comportement, de la mémoire et de

 la réflexion. Une véritable tragédie quand elle

touche nos proches. En effet, être touché par la

maladie d'Alzheimer, non seulement prive les

personnes qui en souffrent de la possibilité de

 passer de bons moments avec leurs proches,

 surtout si le stade de la maladie est très avancé,

mais affecte également les sentiments de ceux

qui, chaque jour, soutiennent le malade avec

 patience et amour.