sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2021

  Very important warnings  or advices

- You shouldn´t  smoke so much, it´s bad

 to our health or it´s not good for you.

-You take a care your main documents

don´t  stray them,  it can cause serious

 problems .

-If  you  are  very much fat, you should

do physical exercise, diet and eating less.

-If you are hurts back  and  head ache,

you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

- If you never spend more than you earn,

 you  can have economic problems on the futur.

there are many  beggars who had  very much


-If you are travelling  so long, you should ring

 your family every other day, In order your

family aren´t worried you.

-you  don´t  carry your credit card and,

book  token in the same bag.

- You lock very well your car before leave it.

- You  always check the interior of car before

get into it, especially the back seat , a carjacter

could have put into dangerouse something there.

 In order to stop your car.

- You keep all waluables out of  sight into car.

- you don´t  bring  much  money  and gold with you.

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